The Prophecy And Other Stories

The Prophecy And Other Stories

Product Code:ACK
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Price: $6.00 Ex Tax: $6.00
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On his deathbed, King Brahmadatta is told that the child his queen is expecting will be king after him. The king is happy but not his older son who is heir to the throne. Two royal brothers embark on a voyage. Their ship capsizes and only one returns home. He is crowned king. But something seems to be troubling the new king. King Brahmadatta of Varanasi is terribly upset. His son will not walk or speak. The queen seems to find a voice in her child's silence but the king cannot be appeased. Buddhism, the main religion in Tibet, travelled there from the neighbouring lands of India and Nepal. Along with Buddhism many stories were originally written in Sanskrit and Pali. These stories talk of the virtues recommended by the Buddhist middle path.

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