Quantum Yoga

Quantum Yoga

Product Code:Lara Baumann
Availability:In Stock
Price: $40.00 Ex Tax: $40.00
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Quantum Yoga was developed by Lara Baumann when she realized every person's unique needs call for a dynamic and individualized approach to yoga - the ancient approach to achieving "union" with the divine through the harmony of the body and the mind. She has innovated a dynamic system of grouping and sequencing postures for increasing health and fitness, harnessing the vital life-force which enables us to rise above mere emotionality and become more whole and, therefore, more conscious.


Lara Baumann teaches the Quantum Method, as well as classical sequences of Astanga Vinyasa Yoga to all levels of students both publicly and privately worldwide. Her powerful relationship with yoga and a strong interest in Eastern philosophy is the result of her upbringing in India and Japan, which subsequently led her to complete an MA in Religious Studies at SOAS, London.

As an apprentice, she has studied with Sri K. Patthabi Jois in Mysore, as well as BKS Iyengar in Pune and her main influences have been Clive Sheridan and Danny Paradise. She has also explored popular Western yoga styles such as Jivamukti and Anusara yoga.  Lara takes keen interest in quantum physics. Every year she travels to India, where she studies Ayurveda, its traditional system of natural medicine, with various local practitioners. She has presented yoga documentaries for Channel 4 and writes features for yoga magazines. She runs a Yoga Alliance certified Teacher Training program at her studio OmStation3 in London. Her objective is to guide people in developing a powerful, healing, meditative and sacred practice.


Cover Soft Cover
number of pages 255

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