Prema Vilasa

Prema Vilasa

Product Code:Nityananda Dasa
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Prema Vilasa, is one of the several histories that were written by Gaudiya Vaisnavas just after Sri Caitanya Mahäprabhus disappearance. In Prema Vilasa, Nityananda Dasa, a disciple of Jahnava-mata, described the lives of such great persons as Srinivasa Acarya, Narottama dasa Thakura, and Syamananda Prabhu. He also provided a glimpse into the training such Vaisnavas received at the hands of the Vrndavana Gosvamis, including Sri Jiva Gosvami, and the early efforts these Gosvamis made to popularize Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhus mission. Therefore we read of Srinivasa, Narottama, and Syamananda carrying copies of Rupa and Sanatanas bhakti literature to Bengal and the events that followed; of Narottama dasa Thakura establishing an annual Gaura-Purnima festival at Kheturi, inviting all the Gaudiya bhaktas; of the conversion of kings, dacoits, skeptical brahmanas, and common villagers to the Vaisnava understanding; and especially of the deep spiritual emotions and the undying compassion the great acaryas, imbued with Mahaprabhus sakti, felt and expressed. Caitanya Mahaprabhus pastimes are ever-relishable, but what makes them most relishable is His loving exchanges with His devotees and theirs with Him. Prema Vilasa is filled with such exchanges, and will therefore enlighten and enliven the reader to understand how Caitanya Mahaprabhu remains present in His mission and available to those who participate under the direction of His great devotees. Readers will find this book a very delightful and inspiring reading, especially those who are familiar with classic literature like Sri Caitanya Bhagavat and Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. Infact, this book, Prema Vilasa, is like a supplement to these two great scriptures on the account of life and teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates. Prema Vilasa takes the reader into more esoteric significant of the Lords devotees, especially how they conduct their loving devotional activities.

Cover Soft Cover
number of pages 299

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