Gita Govinda

Gita Govinda

Product Code:Sri Jayadeva Goswami
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The Gita Govinda is the best known composition of Jayadeva. It is a lyrical poetry that is organized into twelve chapters. Each chapter is further sub-divided into twenty four divisions called Prabandhas. The prabandhas contain couplets grouped into eights, called Ashtapadis. Gita Govinda is a work composed in the 12th century by the great poet, Jayadeva of Puri, Orissa. It describes the relationship between Krishna and the gopis (cowgirls) of Vrindavana, and in particular one gopi named Radha. This work has been of great importance in the development of the bhakti traditions.

Gita Govinda expresses the intense feelings of separation that Sri Radhika felt before the rasa dance. It also describes the most intimate pastimes of Radha-Syamasundara. During Lord Caitanya's Gambhira lila in Jagannatha Puri, He would thoroughly relish hearing the Gita Govinda sung daily by Svarupa Damodara and Mukunda. Rendered into English by Gadadhara prana dasa. Roman transliteration of verses and English translation.

Cover Softcover
number of pages 115

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