Delivery Information

General Info

Once your order has been placed and paid for in full, it will be dispatched as soon as possible.

We use Australia Post and Couriers depending on where the product is going.

Australian Shipping

Delivery usually takes approximately 14 days but can take up to 4 weeks depending on availability of stock.

If no one is available to sign for the parcel, a collection card is left in your post box to arrange a re-delivery.

Shipping costs are calculated on units sold and may include insurance. If your order is a complex combination of products and the shipping is not able to be calculated correctly, we may contact you before we confirm your order.

Please note that the shipping times indicated above are approximations. Whilst every effort is made to ship your order as soon as possible, shipping times are not guaranteed. Please contact us if you have a deadline for receiving your order as we may be able to help ensure that you get your product on time.

International Shipping

International shipping adopts the same policy as Australian however delivery can take up to 6 weeks.

Order Status

We try to keep you up to date on the status off your order as much as possible by email. If you have questions, simply email us with your order number and the name on the order, and we can give you more information. You will receive emails regarding your order, so please check your email periodically. We will contact you if items are out of stock, or your payment information needs to be updated, and to let you know when and how your order shipped.  

Wrong Address

We are not responsible for errors in the ship-to addresses that the customer has provided with us. We are also not responsible for the errors of the post office, but we will do our best to rectify any of those errors.